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Hello! :D
You are @ http://th-etwos.bs.com!
Everyone is welcome here(:
Dont like it here, get away.
Love us or hate us, You decide.
& We seriously couldn't care.

Best viewed in MF.
stuck here.

They dote on us! :D
Form - Ms Xie
English - Ms Xie
Maths - Ms Leow
Science - Mrs Oh, Ms Tan
Chinese - Ms Tan
Higher Chinese - Mdm Lee, Mr Luan

Music - Mrs Chua
Geography - Mdm Zanariah, Ms Tay
History - Ms Ong
Art - Mdm Wee
Literature - Ms Xie
Home EC - Ms Foo & Mr Ong
D&T - Mr Loy & Mr Mark Lee
PE - Mr Chong
CME - Mrs Tan
Malay - Mdm Nuraini
IDPW - Ms Chin, Ms Koh

E2! :D
The Ladies
HuiXuan, SeeYun, Brenda, Wena, JunMay, Cheryl, HuiJun, Farah, BeiMin, Hannie, Xenia, Shanice, HuiYing, Clara, Nicole, Asyiqin, Rebecca, Siti, EngWoon, Dorene, KaiHui

The Gentlemen
Aaron, Darwin, JingGao, ZhengYan, Daniel, Darren, MinWei, Edwin, YangHorng, YongJing, WeiHeng, Khairul, Syahkeer, ZhanJiang, Ray, Mervin, Kelvin, ZuanLong, MunJun

Click, click & away! :D
Asyiqin Aaron BeiMin Brenda Daniel Darren Dorene EngWoon Farah Hannie HuiXuan HuiYing KaiHui Rebecca SeeYun Shanice Wena Xenia ZhanJiang

2E1 '08 2E3 '08 2E4 '08 2E5 '08 2N1 '08
1E2 '08 1E3 '08 1E4 '08 1E5 '08 3E1 '08

Miss us? :D
October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 December 2009
Something to say?
No imposing/negative commenting

Big Days ! :D
06 Feb - Wena
13 Feb - Daniel
15 Feb - BeiMin
22 Feb - SeeYun

11 Mar - Kelvin
19 Mar - Rebecca
22 Mar - Aaron
29 Mar - MinWei

17 Apr - Dorene
23 Apr - Xenia

17 May - Brenda

8 June - Asyiqin

05 July - ZhanJiang
11 July - WeiHeng
24 July - HuiJun
26 July - JunMay
28 July - Farah

22 Aug - Ray
30 Aug - Siti, Edwin

16 Sep - EngWoon
23 Sep - HuiXuan

10 Oct - Syahkeer
16 Oct - Cheryl, Ms Patty Xie
24 Oct - Nicole
25 Oct - Clara, HuiYing
28 Oct - ZuanLong

6 Nov - Hannie
08 Nov - YongJing
15 Nov - Shanice
25 Nov - JingGao
28 Nov - MunJun

4 Dec - ZhengYan
11 Dec - Darren
13 Dec - Darwin
15 Dec - Mervin
18 Dec - KaiHui, YangHorng

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Saturday, March 29, 2008 @ 9:32 PM

Did everyone have fun filming today? ;D
hope you all did have.
there's some diaster group pics[:
unfortunately, something goes wrong with the camera,
but nevermind, we have fun! :D

this is something i found in Dorene's house[:
the guys playing psp.
Min Wei[:
Min Wei[:
Wena, cameraman(camera woman) :D

the cameraman is stress!

Hui Jun[:
Yang Horng[:
Yang Horng[:
during the "break" everyone looks bored? ;D
after lunch, quite alot people left...
that's all for the pics[:
Have a nice nice weekend everyone!
With ♥!

Friday, March 21, 2008 @ 1:01 PM

Good afternoon!
today is Good Friday, hope everyone enjoy your holiday[:
was yesterday pe lesson a fun one?
did you all enjoy the indian dance during asthetic yesterday?
3more weeks to our EL oral examination & 5 more weeks to SA1.
have you all prepare? ;D

the homework for this weekends are:
-English: Worn-infested furniture letter writing.
-Maths Peer Tutoring: Maths workbook page 75 do all except question 5, 11, 12 & 14.
-Art: Mind-map, Research, Development for "My World of Spirals".
-Mother Tongue(If have).
-History: Structured essay test on chapter5, next Wednesday.
I think that's all only.

Remember to bring the class photographs $$ if you ordered them on Monday.
Enjoy your weekends!

Shanice here[;
With ♥!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008 @ 7:04 PM

have your done ur art?
maybe you have not, but good luck!
We'll be having history structured essay test on the next lesson which is next Wednesday.
Study chapter 5 mind-map, powerpoint slides & the textbook will help u a lot with the test.
-Maths Peer Tutoring: maths workbook page 75 do everything except question 5, 11, 12&14.
-Study History test.
done with posting the homework! :D
Do tag the us more often!
Thank yous.



With ♥!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008 @ 6:52 PM

There's a few homework today.
-Art: proper mindmap & research are to be properly done at home by this Thursday.
The theme is "My World of Spirals".
-History: Chapter5 mindmap.
-English: Complaint letter(merchandise)[hand in on the following week]
-Science: Science worksheet first 5 pages.

For those who are having your peer tutoring lesson at 2E2 classroom have to bring your peer tutoring file tomorrow with all the worksheets inside and marked by the tutors. Bring your history workbook, textbook and file every history lessons! Have fun studying :D

With ♥!

Monday, March 17, 2008 @ 6:34 PM

hello e2!
quite a long time since i post in the class blog.
i will try to update the class blog by posting the homework yeah?
so you can hand in your homework punctually? (:

today homework is:
-maths textbook page 143 question 2(a), (c), (e), (g).
you have to hand in the homework to Shanice by tomorrow.
-the maths online quizzes is available now too!

4 or 5 more weeks will be our EL oral examination.
all e best everyone!
&6more weeks to the SA1 examination.
hope everyone of us go into the class we want next year.

With ♥!

Friday, March 14, 2008 @ 10:54 AM

Hello, :D
There's three maths quizes on the e learning website?
Due on the 16th of this month.
So, yeah, remember to do with.

Much loves,
With ♥!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008 @ 2:27 PM

Since nobody's updating, I shall update! :D
It's already Wednesday. Done homeworks already? :X
I don't know what are the homeworks lah, but these are the ones that I roughly know.
- History Corrections
- Science Theory Workbook page 108 - 118 excluding questions 4 and 6.
- English Personal Recount

for Hcl people:
1. 作业 unit 1 to 10.
2. 看完 - 城南旧事 ,佐贺的超级阿妈
3. 看完课本的每一课
4. Hua Yi Paper 2.

That's about all lah. If any of you want to add on for the homeworks' list or post, get the password from Me or Engwoon. Or any other people that you might think of.

Posted by Dorene [:
With ♥!